Corporate Affairs
On this page:
Annual General Meetings
Annual General Meetings - Timing
Under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 No 7, the Tennis Sydney Committee must ensure that Annual General Meetings are held within 6 months after the close of the association’s financial year which is the 31st December.
At this Meeting the President’s Report and the Financial Statement (Treasurer’s Report) are tabled and are voted on.
Annual General Meetings - Nominations for Office Bearer Positions
The election of office bearers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and Ordinary Committee Members will also take place. The positions of office bearers are open to all to stand for.
In the event of there being multiple candidates, appointment will be put to a majority vote.
To nominate for an office bearer position, please download and complete a Nomination Form.
Annual General Meetings - Reports & Minutes
2021 Annual General Meeting
2020 Annual General Meeting
2019 Annual General Meeting
The 2019 AGM was held on 31 March 2019 at 5.30pm at Bar Cleveland, 433 Cleveland St, Redfern.
Our Bank Details
Account Name: Tennis Sydney Inc.
BSB: 062-155
Account Number: 2803 1049
Bank: Commonwealth Bank